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Home / Store / Tree Planting & Reforestation / Tree Planting Tools / Tree Planting Bags & Accessories / 15' x 18' Heat Shield Seedling Protecton Tarp

15' x 18' Heat Shield Seedling Protecton Tarp

Cover bags or boxes of seedlings in the field or in transport to reduce heat buildup and stress. Proven successful for over 20 years, using the SilvaCool III* Heat Shield at your planting site or covering seedlings in transit is another inexpensive way to protect your trees from heat stress. With the mylar surface down and white vinyl up to reflect solar exposure, heat buildup or "hot spots" underneath the tarp are dissipated. Likewise, but in reverse, any cool air that is present or that remains from cold storage is retained longer.

  • Rip stop mylar bonded to white vinyl will last for years without delaminating or tearing under normal conditions.
  • Comes with sewn in tie down straps.


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